(was feeling bored that day)
I skipped school today because I was still coughing away and needed extra hours of sleep. There are 4.5 hours of free periods and its quite difficult to rest in school anyway. Am still coughing like mad.
& that was the best decision ever :]
Kaiying smsed to ask if I wanted to lunch together since she has 3.5 hours of freeperiods O: (all hail the arts students we always get the most owning amount of free periods) So I met her at Century Square at around 1 for lunch :D We talked about rather random things but mostly about school, it kinda felt as if we were eating lunch after school during our sec 4 days!
I'm very glad I'm still able to meet up with my friends like that even now awww :} Maybe I can find anna one day since our schools are the nearest to each other, or I could go home with somebody from mjc since I pass by their school everyday, meet up with ky like today or even meet up with somebody from Vj (annia siyun terie!) to study with me! See, this way I won't have to feel sad about having nobody around me 8D
In case you don't know, I really missed you people alot! ): (even if your name isn't mentioned above :P)
After kaiying left for school, I settled down at bk and studied/did my tutorials. THAT WAS SO DAMN ACCOMPLISHING. I actually sat there for like, 3 hours without being distracted!! Emma = short concentration span but not today, definitely. I hope I can stay this way so my results will go up, up, and up.
Then I'll be able to prove to you guys that lousy jc DOES NOT equate to lousy students! :D Btw, SRJC = Super Raffles Junior College. HAHAHAHA A SENIOR TOLD ME THAT AND I WAS ROFL-ing ALL THE WAY.
Yup, so I completed my two page econs essay, my gp journal and read through ALL the geog lectures my teacher had gone through. I've come to a conclusion that my short concentration span is due to my lack of sleep normally.
Bought a shoebag after my very productive studying session and went home.
My CT just smsed to ask if I was okay. Besides the times when she's in her skirt, shirt, hair catching moods, she's actually quite nice I think :D My classmates who showed concern too ^_^ AND RANDOM PEOPLE WHO SMS ME TO ASK HOW I AM TOO HAHA.
I think its damn sweet and cool to receive these random "how are you" messages when I'm feeling down. Its as if they know I need somebody to cheer me up hehe :P
I would also like to thank my mum for talking to me today, because that kinda made my day. I'm gonna stop whining and crying about how unfair the world is. Those who goes against all odds, stay strong till the very end and who's always able to smile will make it in the end :D To hell with my sucky timetable and my wrong replacement subject!
Ohyeah, Dr Choe our PW teacher said this the other day:

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